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IOL Surgery

What is the phakic intraocular lens?

Thanks to the lens placed in the front of our natural lens, which is in our eyes, the need to use glasses is eliminated. These lenses, which remain safe in your eyes throughout life, are not subject to follow-up, special care, or feeling these lenses in the eye.

Who is the phakic lens applied to?

Today, many treatment methods are used to correct refraction defects such as high myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. Among these, many methods such as excimer laser (LASIK, LASEK, PRK), astigmatic keratotomy, clear lens extraction, and intracorneal ring application can be counted.

Among these methods, the most frequently preferred method is the excimer laser (LASIK) method, also known as laser treatment. However, it is necessary to have an ideal corneal thickness, corneal map and a certain number for laser treatment. Excimer laser treatment may not always be the ideal treatment for your eyes, so other alternative treatment methods have been developed specifically for these eyes. Among these, one of the safest, permanent and stable treatment methods is the phakic lens method.

How is the evaluation before the phakic lens operation?

Your doctor will first determine your glasses numbers by evaluating your vision level. After this assessment, the phakic lens will be placed and whether the eye space (anterior chamber depth) is sufficient or not will be measured with special devices. After evaluating the number of cells in the cornea, it will be decided whether your eye is suitable for phakic lenses.

Is it calmly possible to have a laser operation or cataract operation that may be required in the future after the phakic lens is placed?

Laser operation or cataract operation is not available in eyes with phakic lenses. If cataract develops, the implanted phakic lens will be removed and another lens will be placed again after your cataract lenses are removed.

To which numbers is the operation performed?

Phakic iols can improve myopia up to -16 D, hyperopia up to +8 D, astigmatism up to 6D.